Being banished to train alone is the utmost indignity, reserved for players who commit the most severe infractions against professional football’s unwritten code of conduct.
Football has very odd rules with regards to group ethic and professionalism. Players are often treated like infants, told where to be and when, what time they can have their afternoon snack and when to go to the toilet.
Alright, we made that last bit up, but the point stands. And when the strict rules about punctuality and eating the right thing in the right place in the vicinity of the right people are broken, punishments are inevitably dished out.
Here, we’ve brought together 12 high-profile examples of players who’ve been deemed unworthy of the company of team-mates.
See the full list of banished players here.
The post 12 footballers who were banished to train alone: Aubameyang, Pogba… appeared first on Football365.